We developed a fully responsive web application within a tight timeframe to bring SoloTrvlr a polished product for a seamless launch.
We developed a fully responsive web application within a tight timeframe to bring SoloTrvlr a polished product for a seamless launch.
We developed a fully responsive web application within a tight timeframe to bring SoloTrvlr a polished product for a seamless launch.
SoloTrvlr is a digital platform for independent female solo travellers. Users can take advantage of curated guides about places to visit and stay at, transportation, culture, safety, and more. Members can also contribute with tips and collections to a social feed with updates from the whole community.
We developed SoloTrvlr's online platform from scratch, including discovery, design and development, while providing technical advice & guidance.
As per the Agile principle - flexibility, engagement, control, and visibility were applied at every step. First, exploration and research took place to visualise raw ideas and identify business value. The vision was then transformed into high-quality wireframes and mockups. The final stage brought the product to life by building both the frontend and backend.
The starting point were basic sketches provided by the client which helped us better understand the idea. Then we conducted in-depth competitor research to uncover the unique market value of the product.
We also researched and proposed the most suitable technologies for the project according to the set schedule and budget. Throughout this process, we worked closely with the client to ensure all ideas were neatly organised and split into actionable tasks at the end of the stage.
Data flows and content layout were designed according to UX best practices to achieve smooth and intuitive experience. Initially, low-level wireframes were used to give the client a real picture of the final product as they bring down the cost and are easier to modify throughout all iterations.
The final version of the wireframes evolved to high-level mockups. On the technical side, a similar process of experimentation, discussion and optimisation took place to propose the data structure and backend architecture. Finally, the stage was closed off with approval from the client.
The technical process followed a prioritisation, development and demo stage. All tasks were kept in a backlog and after prioritisation each was selected for development. Real-time feedback from the client was vital to help make feasible decisions whenever changes had to be made.
The flexibility of our Agile team allowed for quick adjustments to requirements without additional bureaucracy and wasting time. The progress of the project was showcased during product demos, where we also discussed next steps and possible improvements. To ensure high quality of the final product, all features passed a robust QA process.
The application incorporated high-quality images and thumbnails without compromising on loading speed to offer excellent user experience.
Modern and innovative solutions were used to secure user privacy for features handling sensitive information such as authentication and billing.
Considering the importance of time to market, the first MVP was delivered in just 2 months which allowed usability tests and business-related work to start.
In the end, all features were delivered on time and within the set timeframe which saved the client the inconvenience of reallocating budget or delaying launch date.